Welcome to the March edition of our dojo newsletter!
Updates and News:
Brennan's Black Belt Promotion: Saturday, March 1st at 10AM
New Kids Class Schedule Starts Monday, March 3rd
Marathon Roll: Thursday, March 6th
Kids Game Day: Thursday, March 6th
Member Spotlight
Eric Cintron
How did you first get involved in BJJ and Judo?
I used to train Kung Fu at RIT. Shortly before I graduated with my bachelor's degree, I asked my Sifu (the Chinese equivalent of "Sensei") if she had any recommendations for martial arts dojo's in the Rochester area. She mentioned RPMA. I've been training BJJ and Judo here ever since.
What inspired you to start training in both arts?
I was on my middle school's wrestling team. It was a wonderful experience with great people, and I really enjoyed the grappling aspect of it. When I started training at RPMA, I knew that BJJ and Judo were other grappling arts, so it felt natural to try them out. I have just as much fun with BJJ and Judo as I did with wrestling back in middle school.
What are some key differences between BJJ and Judo that you've noticed in your training?
An obvious difference is BJJ has much more emphasis on groundwork than Judo. However, a much more interesting distinction between them is their differences in philosophy. In BJJ, in order to win against your opponent, you follow a very systematic approach where you go from standing, an inherently neutral position, to taking them to the ground on your terms, to advancing through more and more dominant positions, until you can either keep them pinned until the clock runs out, or submit them. Judo's philosophy is more about getting a single, decisive strike (or, in its case, throw) to end the fight. Despite these differences, they complement each other, and combined with wrestling provides what I consider to be a complete/nearly complete grappling experience.
Can you share a memorable moment or accomplishment you've had in either BJJ or Judo?
I've competed in many BJJ tournaments and have gained valuable memories, experience, and made some pretty great friends by doing so. One such tournament was a round-robin style tournament in Syracuse. There was this man there who I fought in a separate tournament in Rochester a month prior, and we ended up having not one, but TWO matches at this Syracuse tournament. At the start of our second match at the Syracuse tournament, he went for a specific throw against me. Due to my Judo training, I not only recognized the throw, but I was well equipped to stop it in its tracks and counter throw him. This is a great example of BJJ and Judo complementing each other - me throwing him was made possible by my Judo training. Oh, and by the way: my record against that specific man is 2 wins and 1 loss - I hope I can face him again in a future tournament.
How do you handle self-doubt or frustration when you're not progressing as quickly as you’d like?
I believe it is important to remember that progress is not measured between day-to-day training. I may not necessarily perform better today than I did yesterday - everyone has off days, after all. However, I am performing better than I was a month ago, a few months ago, a year ago etc. There are parts of my game that a year ago I felt were extremely low points, but now I feel pretty confident about (such as my standing game - takedowns used to be the bane of my BJJ career). I'm also in no rush - this is something that is ultimately a hobby for me, and I will enjoy it much better if I don't obsess over the speed of my progression. I'll leave such obsessions to professional fighters.
What's your favorite memory from your time at the RPMA?
I'll be honest: there are so many moments to choose from, this is nearly an impossible question to answer. So, instead of giving some grand, super special example, like when I got my first stripe, or when I got my blue belt, or when we had our quintets; I'm going to highlight a much more simple memory. I often have very stressful days at work as a teacher, and I try not to carry that stress with me to the dojo. There was one day where I arrived at the dojo, and I was just worn out from teaching, I almost didn't come to the dojo because of how demotivated I felt. However, one of the kids at the dojo saw me walk in, and excitedly went "it's Eric!!!" I have really great rapport with the kids who train, and I have even helped out with kids classes, helped host kids birthday parties, and helped out with kids summer camps here at RPMA, so it makes sense that they would be excited to see me. However, in that moment when I felt so overwhelmed that I wanted nothing more than to lay in bed and forget about everything, that kids simple gesture of excitedly saying "hi Eric!!!" was enough to drown away all my sorrow. In that moment, I realized there was nowhere else I should be in that moment BUT the dojo.
Safety is our number one priority at RPMA
Our dedicated lead instructors recently completed CPR and AED training to ensure they are fully prepared to respond to any emergency and keep our community safe.
To further enhance safety, we’ve also purchased an AED for the dojo, providing an added layer of protection for everyone who trains with us.
School Break Camps
Want to keep your child active during school breaks? Sign up for Kids BJJ Camp at RPMA!
April 14-18
July 14-18
August 25-29
Leave Us a Google Review
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If you've enjoyed your experience with us, please
take a moment to leave us a review on Google. Your reviews help us improve and
attract new members.
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Stay connected with our dojo community by joining our Discord server.
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Download the app and join.
Celebrate your Birthday at RPMA!
Did you know that RPMA hosts birthday parties??
Show your friends how awesome BJJ can be, and celebrate your birthday at the dojo.
Check out our Birthday Party page for more info!
RPMA Merch!
Look great while representing the dojo!
2 great ways to shop for RPMA Gear
Zenko- Ships directly to you
Dojo- Purchase from our in stock merch and pick at the dojo!
Gift Certificates Available!
Tired of gifting toys? Not sure what to get that person in your life who seems to already have everything?
Gift an experience instead!!
Gift certificates available for Trials and Memberships for Kids and Adults!
We want to hear from you!
Check in!
Remember to check in to every class you attend!! BJJ, Judo and Karate!
For kids, attendance tracking is essential for promotions, and regular participation is key to progress.
Use the iPad by the cubbies, or download the gymdesk app to check in on your phone.
To ensure a safe and respectful environment:
What to Wear/Not to Wear
Wear: Comfortable athletic clothing. Rash Guards are recommended. Spats, leggings or shorts.
Not to Wear: Jewelry, watches, or any loose clothing that might get caught during activities. T-shirts. Any clothing with zippers, buttons, sparkles, or anything that sticks out or can hurt others.
What to Bring Every Day:
Thank you for being a part of our dojo family.
Missed last months news? No worries.
Check it out here:
Thank you for your interest in RPMA. We look forward to helping you get on the mats!